Nature's Therapy
Wellness Wednesday: Unplug and Recharge with Nature's Therapy 🌳🌞 Share your favorite outdoor escape or wellness tip! 🌺🌿 #NatureTherapy #WellnessWednesday #UnplugAndRecharge #MindfulEscape"
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Aromatherapy Tips
From serene health spas to healing hospitals, aromatherapy works its magic! Experience the soothing blend that eases pain, uplifts mood, and brings a wave of relaxation. Elevate your well-being with the power of aromatherapy!
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Put more fiber into your diet!
Elevate Your Plate with Fiber Power! Boost your well-being by adding fiber-rich foods to your diet. From crunchy veggies to whole grains, discover delicious ways to fuel your body and support digestion. Your gut and brain will thank you! What's your favorite fiber-packed meal? Share your tasty ideas below! 🍽️ #FiberFuel #HealthyEating #GutHealth
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Recall a Memory
Did you know? Every time you recall a memory, your brain gives it a little makeover--adding new details or adjusting the narrative. So, your memories are a bit like evolving stories—ever-changing with each recollection. How fascinating is that? Share your thoughts on this memory magic below! 🤔💭 #FunFactFriday #MemoryMakeover #BrainWonders
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NJPNI Holiday Hours
Please note a change in NJPNI's hours! Be sure to put in any medication requests before the 22nd and the 29th!
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13th Annual Craniofacial Gala
Join us for a night of hope and transformation at our 13th Annual Craniofacial Gala! ✨ Embrace the magic as we come together to support those with craniofacial conditions. Your attendance makes a difference in every smile we create. Save the date, share the joy! #CraniofacialGala #HopeInEverySmile #TransformingLives
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Safeguarding Kids From Concussions: Ensuring The Well-Being Of A Child's Body In Vulnerable Situations
Are you a parent or caregiver concerned about the well-being of your child's body in vulnerable situations? In this blog, we will discuss the importance of safeguarding kids from concussions and ensuring their overall safety. With active lifestyles and participation in sports, it's crucial to understand how to take care of a child with a concussion. Safeguarding refers to the protective measures put in place to prevent harm or injury, and child protection is of utmost importance in these situations. We will also explore the physical causes of a concussion in simple terms, providing you with the knowledge to recognize and respond if your child or someone you know experiences one. Coaches play a significant role in this process, so we will offer advice on what to do if they suspect a concussion. By the end of this blog, you will be equipped with the necessary information to ensure the well-being of your child's body in vulnerable situations.

How do you take care of a child with a concussion?

To take care of a child with a concussion, you'll need to closely monitor their symptoms, limit physical activity, and ensure they get plenty of rest. The first step is to watch out for any signs of worsening symptoms such as persistent headaches, dizziness, or confusion. If these symptoms worsen or new ones appear, it's important to contact a healthcare professional immediately. In terms of physical activity, it's crucial to restrict any activities that could potentially worsen the concussion, like contact sports or rough play. Instead, encourage your child to engage in quiet, low-impact activities such as reading or drawing. Lastly, make sure your child gets enough rest by allowing them to take frequent breaks throughout the day and ensuring they have a quiet and calm sleeping environment.

What Is Safeguarding? What is the Importance of Child Protection?

Protecting children is of utmost importance as it ensures their safety and security. Safeguarding refers to the actions and measures taken to protect children from harm, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It is crucial to create a safe and nurturing environment for children to thrive in. Child protection aims to prevent and respond to any risks or concerns regarding a child's well-being. It involves identifying and addressing any potential dangers that could harm a child's physical, emotional, or mental health. Child protection also includes promoting the rights and best interests of children, ensuring they have access to education, healthcare, and a supportive network. By prioritizing child protection, we can create a society where children can grow up feeling safe, valued, and empowered.

What's a simple description of the physical causes of a concussion?

A simple description of the physical causes of a concussion is that it occurs when the brain experiences a sudden jolt or impact, causing it to move rapidly inside the skull. This movement can result in damage to brain cells and disrupt normal brain function. Common physical causes of a concussion include falls, sports-related injuries, and motor vehicle accidents. When a child's head is hit or shaken, the brain can collide with the skull, leading to a concussion. It is important to understand that concussions can occur even without a visible injury or loss of consciousness. Recognizing the physical causes and taking appropriate measures to prevent and treat concussions is crucial for safeguarding the well-being of children.

What advice would you give coaches if they suspect a concussion?

Coaches, if you suspect a concussion, don't hesitate to take immediate action and prioritize the health of your players. The first and most important step is to remove the athlete from the game or practice. Continuing to play or train with a suspected concussion can lead to further injury and potentially life-threatening consequences. Next, you should inform the athlete's parents or guardians about the situation and advise them to seek medical attention. It's crucial to emphasize that returning to play too soon can be dangerous and prolong the recovery process. Encourage the athlete to rest both physically and mentally until they receive medical clearance. Additionally, ensure that the athlete follows any prescribed treatment plan and gradually returns to activity only under the guidance of a healthcare professional. By taking these steps, you can play a vital role in safeguarding the well-being of your players.


In conclusion, it's crucial for parents, coaches, and caregivers to prioritize the safety and well-being of children when it comes to concussions. By understanding the signs and symptoms, seeking medical attention, and following proper protocols, we can effectively protect and support children who have experienced concussions. Remember, taking the necessary precautions and providing a safe environment is essential in ensuring the long-term health and development of our children. So, let's work together to safeguard their precious bodies in vulnerable situations. For more information and expert guidance on pediatric neurological care, consider reaching out to the New Jersey Pediatric Neuroscience Institute.
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Intelligence and ADHD
Trivia Tuesday: True or False? Intelligence and ADHD can coexist! 💡 Let's challenge stereotypes! #ADHD #IntelligenceMyths #TriviaTuesday
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NJPNI OFFICES will be closed
NJPNI OFFICES will be closed on Monday December 18, 2023
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Kitchen Time Savers
Kitchen Time Savers: Elevate Your Culinary Efficiency! 🍽️✨ From one-pot wonders to clever prep hacks, discover a world of time-saving tips in the kitchen. Streamline your cooking routine and savor the moments that matter. What's your go-to time-saving kitchen hack? Share your favorites below! ⏳👩‍🍳 #KitchenHacks #TimeSavers #EfficiencyInTheKitchen
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Schedule an appointment with a world-class pediatric neurology and neurosurgery team at NJPNI now.
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NOTICE: This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for a patient/physician relationship.

NJPNI is committed to creating a culturally diverse, inclusive and collaborative community for patients and their families, employees and associates where each person is celebrated and has a sense of equal belonging. See our DEI Statement Page for more information.

NJPNI does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, or on the basis of disability or age in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities or in employment therein. This statement is in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued pursuant to the Acts, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations part 80, 84, and 91.

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