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Heading May Be Riskier For Female Soccer Players Than Males

The first rule of soccer is pretty obvious: don't use your hands. But soccer's signature move, heading the ball, can cause a detectable impact on players' brains. And according to a study published Tuesday in Radiology, female players are more sensitive to the impact than males. Click here to view this article.

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Morristown Medical Center Recognized as Top 50 Hospital by Healthgrades

Morristown Medical Center was recognized by Healthgrades as one of the Top 50 hospital in the nation, based on clinical outcomes three years in a row! Click here to watch their video.

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How to End Screen Time Without A Struggle

Do you ever struggle with getting your kids off the screen? Does it often end in tears (both theirs and yours)? This could help. Click here to view this article.

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Storms, power outage, snow not enough to stop Push to Walk fundraiser

PUSH TO WALK. A great non-profit organization that helps people living with SPINAL CORD INJURY. Businessman wouldn't let two nor'easters, a power outage and about 2 feet of snow stop last week's Push to Walk fundraisers. Click here to read entire article.

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OUR TWO NEW DOCTORS If you know a child with SEIZURES or EPILEPSY please call our team! Drs. Leyda Sanchez-Ortiz and Luke Tomycz are specialists in treating children with epilepsy. We are so happy to have them as part of New Jersey Pediatric Neuroscience Institute (NJPNI). Please call our office to see them!

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Levetiracetam Associated With Less Monotherapy Failure in Infantile Seizures

“Levetiracetam (Keppra) offers greater efficacy than phenobarbital in preventing monotherapy failure in infants with nonsyndromic epilepsy, according to the findings of a multicenter prospective observational study published in JAMA Pediatrics.”1 Basically, what that means, is that Keppra is more effective in preventing seizures in young children with epilepsy. How do we know? Investigators evaluated a […]

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Gala2018 | New Jersey Pediatric Neuroscience Institute

8th Annual Winter Gala

Please JOIN US for an amazing evening for an AWESOME CAUSE. The Goryeb Children's Hospital Craniofacial Center in conjunction with Morristown Medical Center are hosting an evening to benefit infants and children born with facial or skull deformities. These amazing children put their lives in our hands every day; we are honored to care for […]

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Overcoming adversity

Please watch this amazing video featuring our own Dr. Luke Tomycz.

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New Website Launch

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.

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Primer on Pediatric Spinal Deformities

Please click here to view this great video on Pediatric Spinal Deformities.

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Caring for your child's well-being is our number one priority. 
Schedule an appointment with a world-class pediatric neurology and neurosurgery team at NJPNI now.
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NOTICE: This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for a patient/physician relationship.

NJPNI is committed to creating a culturally diverse, inclusive and collaborative community for patients and their families, employees and associates where each person is celebrated and has a sense of equal belonging. See our DEI Statement Page for more information.

NJPNI does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, or on the basis of disability or age in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities or in employment therein. This statement is in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued pursuant to the Acts, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations part 80, 84, and 91.

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