The most important thing to know about torticollis and plagiocephaly, from a physcial therapist’s perspective, is that the stretches and positions for play, need to be incorporated throughout the day.
Placing your infant on their belly every time you put them down (while awake), even for diaper changes, is important because it allows the infant to practice lifting their head and self-stretch, while increasing their neck strength.
Avoid using any type of “equipment” (bouncy chairs, swings, exersaucers). The best place for a baby to get stronger and learn to move, is on the floor. Place them on their sides and their belly.
Change the infant’s sleep position in the crib so they have to turn towards the side that is difficult for them. When on the floor, place all toys so they have to turn towards them in the direction that is challenging.
Carry your infant facing out and away from your body or in a “football” hold. (see pictures)
NOTICE: This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for a patient/physician relationship.
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